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WELL HELLO, SUPER RANDOM POST. Fact: I really like to observe the search terms that get redirected to the blog. I’m always curious where I get my views/visits from and want to know what made people check out a certain post. Checking the search terms I get per week/month helps me have a clue, somewhat. Some […]

Hi everyone! Today’s guest post is a fun one- Philip Siegel, debut author of The Break-Up Artist (a novel that I utterly enjoyed as stated on my review), makes a list of romantic cliches that need to just retire already- loaded with hilarious GIFs, of course! The Break-Up Artist by Philip Siegel Romantic Cliches That Need a […]

We’ve spent most of our lives as a reader, a book lover. Thousands and thousands of pages after, we’ve read a lot of books- some we liked, some we loved, some we’ve already forgotten. Just reading words could be relatively easy but truly living a book, really experiencing it, takes effort. As a reader, we […]

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