A Little Something Different by Sandy Hall

Have you ever just watched two people who are not a couple but absolutely should be and just wanted to smoosh their face together and make them kiss? That’s what A Little Something Different is about. Essentially a story of a very shy boy and a pretty awkward girl, Gabe and Lea, A Little Something […]

The Search Is Over… The Answer Is Here

WELL HELLO, SUPER RANDOM POST. Fact: I really like to observe the search terms that get redirected to the blog. I’m always curious where I get my views/visits from and want to know what made people check out a certain post. Checking the search terms I get per week/month helps me have a clue, somewhat. Some […]

Bibliophilia: A Great Love of Books

I wanted to discuss what being a bibliophile means today but I ended up writing a list describing my bibliophilia. I could probably go on forever: How about you? What does bibliophilia or having a great love of books mean for you? Share and describe what bibliophilia means to you in the comments!

Movie Review: If I Stay (2014 Film)

To say I was thrilled that If I Stay was going to become a film would be an understatement. If I Stay is one of the YA books closest to my heart and Gayle Forman, the author of the novel, is on the top of my list of beloved authors. I wanted to see and […]

The Grisha Series by Leigh Bardugo

Sometimes you read a book or a series and you know it will always be in your heart. Today, I’m sharing a series review for one of the most amazing series I’ve ever read- The Grisha trilogy. Warning: lots of raving ahead! Let me first tell you that I am not a big fantasy reader. […]

Book Haul #24

Hello, lovelies! Did you miss me while I was gone for a few days? Well, I wasn’t really gone. My blog was. Throughout the whole week, my blog has been up and down, up and down. I’ve vented about this on Twitter constantly (sorry about that!) but it is seriously frustrating. I’ve switched to a […]

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